Are You a Nice Person?

I hope most of you reading this are nice people who are polite to others! Most of us want to be, and if we are honest, sometimes we aren’t. Human nature, right?

Unfortunately, all you have to do is spend a little time on social media or watching how we behave in public to realize that our world seems less nice and polite than it used to be. Public attacks, mean comments, side-ways innuendos, and implications pop up continuously. And mean-spirited, selfish behavior quickly shows up in public places. And it gets even worse when we think we are anonymous, coy, or in private situations.

What if I told you that Jesus never called you to be polite and nice? Relieved? Well, don’t be. While it’s true that He never invited us to have nice and polite interactions with others, it’s not because it’s ok to be rude and mean. On the contrary, it’s the exact opposite.

Jesus doesn’t invite us to be “nice” and “polite” because that bar is far too low. Too often, you and I might be nice and polite in public and think we are a good example of what a Christian looks like, and we’d be mistaken!
Jesus calls His Followers to be much more than nice and polite – we are to consistently demonstrate His kindness and goodness whether we are noticed or not. And the Holy Spirit should be transforming you and me into radically kind and good people even when we are anonymous or in private.

It’s easy to work on looking kind and good when we want others to like us and think highly of us and then turn around and be cruel, cunning and hurtful when we are with certain people or groups or don’t think it matters. That’s when our true self emerges. Or, as Paul, the writer of Galatians, might say, the natural fruit of our heart shows up on the branches of our lives.

This week at Journey’s Crossing, we’ll continue our series called “Becoming Who God Made You to Be” and look at two descriptors of the fruit of the Spirit called “kindness” and “goodness.” We’ll discover that these two qualities are often linked through the entire Bible and they are qualities that go way beyond the idea of being a “nice” and “good” person!

Being a nice person who sometimes does good things for others is relatively easy compared to what God wants to do through you. Most of us are skilled at managing our behavior when we are with others because we want to be seen as a good person, but the Jesus way of kindness and goodness is something that shows up, even when no one sees or knows.

Sound challenging and impossible? It is on your own, but it’s easy when you learn to walk with the Spirit and allow Him to change you! That’s why it’s the “fruit” of the Spirit.

The hard part is being humble and honest about where we are and where we need to grow. As we are learning, the fruit of the Spirit is God’s best yardstick on how spiritually mature we are or not.

If you are like me, you still have plenty of growing to do. So why don’t you join me this Sunday morning at Journey’s Crossing in person or online at 9:15 or 11:15? And let’s decide to grow together as God’s Spiritual fruit forms in us even when nobody else is watching.

Wouldn’t that be “nice”? 😂



Yeah, we know how important a good-tasting cup of java is. Before and after each worship experience, we serve high-quality, environmentally-friendly coffees, and beverages that are both free and taste good! And get this – you are welcome to bring them with you into the worship experience! So, come a little early and grab a beverage before the fun begins.


Don’t be surprised if you see clips from your favorite movies or television shows, hear a personal story from a person just like you. You’ll always find something unexpected like crowd interaction, comedy, clever object lessons or creative lighting, effects and media because we believe church should be fun to attend and be engaging!


We think you deserve content that is interesting and engaging. In fact, it should be so practical that you could put it to use even before you leave the building. We learn about things like relationships, work, and careers, finances, power over addictions, forgiveness, life change through Jesus. And yes…even sex! Every week our “talks” are creative, down to earth, funny and memorable and they’ll make a real difference in your life.


Your kids and teenagers will also discover stuff that applies to their everyday lives. Creative videos, music they love and they’ll meet real people who care and want to help them find their way through life with God and one another. And there’s even a safe & caring nursery for the littlest ones because we want you to be able to enjoy the morning distraction free and we want them to learn the church can be fun for them as well!


Our live band plays a mix of high-energy pop, rock, r&b, hip-hop & gospel as well as reflective tunes that you’ll want to hum all week long. Here’s the best part – our bands sound like music that was written for today! And get this – many weeks they even cover a tune you just heard on the radio by one of your favorite artists! That’s because good music matters and helps to get you thinking about the topic of the day.


We don’t have a dress code. We don’t speak in holy jargon that only Christians understand. We don’t expect anyone to be perfect. We’re just ordinary people just like you, warts and all. Authenticity is a big deal to us – it’s exhausting to keep trying to pretend we’ve always got our act together when we don’t. So come and be yourself – no matter what you look like or where you’re from you’ll find other fellow-strugglers just like you.

 Casual. Contemporary.  Family-friendly. Creative. Relevant. Life-changing.